Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sun sets on North of Union building

Another building was torn down today to make way for the Peel Plaza development.  The daycare that was housed in this building was moved to a nearby building acquired by the City for the original North of Union development concept.
peel plaza may 23

Remnants of the building indicate a quality construction of brick and stone peel plaza may 23 stonethat may have stood for many more years displaying another part of the city’s heritage.  The city decided the land below the former building was more of a prize than the historic building.

Even though I have been critical of the Peel Plaza police headquarters and parking garage development proposal, as it become more of a reality with each piece of the old North of Union removed, I am hopeful. 

peel plaza may 23 2I hope the City makes responsible and democratic decisions about the use of this site, and if a police station is the best use of the land, I hope partnerships, quality design and construction are able to utilize this land to create a quality development worthy of the central location.

peel plaza may 23 truck


used bucket trucks said...

With the economy where it is today is it very important to purchase construction equipment and trucks that you can count on and won’t let you down. The slightest equipment set back right now could be the difference between in business or bankrupt.

Little Brother said...

^ While that is very likely spam, I find it strangely relevant to the final photo in the post.

Anonymous said...

I think it's lucky they tore it down on Monday instead of Sunday. The Saint John Flickr group went on a photo walk right near there (and I have visions of them scurrying over the rubble).

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