Friday, August 22, 2008

Moving from North of Union

I will be moving from my apartment on the north side of Union Street this month. I enjoyed the location, and the apartment was nice but I'll be glad to be away from a landlord who refuses to respect tenant privacy or install winter appropriate windows. I'll also be glad to observe the police and justice complex developments from a bit farther away, as there will be far less risk of my car getting dinged by heavy equipment.

After looking at some fixer upper houses in the uptown, north end and west side and after considering my handyman skills, I decided to rent for another year and see what sort of house I can afford next year as my career progresses.

I'm renting a place on Queen Square in the south end. I'll have some things to adjust to, like on-street parking regulations and being about a five minute longer walk from my office, but this should be a good place to hang out and watch Saint John for a year or so (month to month lease, so I'll have some flexibility). One thing I'm excited about is that only a few doors down from where I will be living is the historic facade on Queen Street that will soon have a modern apartment building contained behind it.

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