Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chateau Saint John

The foundation work on a hotel that is going up off of the Somerset highway exit is well underway. The building is going where the former St. Pauls Anglican church once stood.
Many Saint Johners have seen the crane and excited to see such a big piece of equipment being used in the city again.

It's interesting that there hasn't been a big announcement with conceptional drawings released - as most Saint John developers like to get press and attention before cranes ever show up.

I understand that the hotel will be seven (edit: possibly 9) storeys. The developer is the owner of the Chateau Moncton - so the hotel here might look something like the Moncton hotel (pictured below).


Anonymous said...

The "Chateau Saint John" will actually be 9 floors, not 7.


I am a lover of children's literature said...

I read four months ago, or more, on the Atlantic thread of the Skyscraper forums that it will be nine floors.

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