Friday, August 29, 2008

Be careful with minimum standards

I was impressed with the commentary local developer John Rocca had in the Telegraph Journal yesterday. Rocca cautioned the city that there could be negative consequences to enforcing minimum building maintenance standards too vigorously. Rocca points out that many landlords with run down buildings do not keep their buildings that way out of greed. They keep them that way out of necessity.
Rocca makes the valid point that if minimum standards force landlords to spend a lot on renovations, then rents will go up, reducing affordability for the vulnerable. He also points out that if rickety old buildings are torn down, reduced competition on the rental front will force rents higher.
Until we have an adequate stock of affordable housing that provides quality living conditions for those who have financial difficulty - it is unwise to start knocking down old buildings that provide housing for these people, even if the quality is less than ideal.

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